
Ways to Give

Giving to the work of Jesus is not only a demonstration of one's worship to the Lord Jesus, but also a joyful expression from a life that is growing in Jesus.

"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work." (2 Corinthians 9:7-8)

E-Transfer Giving

An Interac e-Transfer may be used to send funds from your bank account using online or mobile banking through your bank. None of your personal financial information will be shared.

Please use this email to send your e-Transfer to Crossway Baptist Church:

When sending an e-Transfer for the very first time, please include your full name and email address in the memo field. Also, please use the memo field to indicate if you'd like all or a portion of your donation to be given to the various giving designations listed below (example: Tithe / Offering: $100; Missions: $30; Total amount: $130).

If you have any questions or need help with the e-Transfer giving, please let us know by clicking HERE.

Mail Giving

Mail your cheque to:

Crossway Baptist Church

4215 Concession Road 11

Maidstone, ON N0R 1K0

Please make cheques payable to "Crossway Baptist Church" and indicate the fund designation (see designations below) on the cheque memo line. 

In-Person Giving

Regular offering collections are received during the Sunday morning services at 11 AM. If you are a visitor, please feel no obligation to give. We're just glad to have you be our guest. Members and regular attenders often come prepared to give during the morning worship service. 

Designate Your Giving

You may choose to designate your offering to any of the following categories:

Tithe / Offering: use this designation to support the general ministries and daily operating expenses of Crossway Baptist Church.

Missions: use this designation to support missionary families both locally and globally in the Grace Giving Missions program of Crossway Baptist Church. For more information about our missions program please contact us by clicking HERE.

Building Fund: use this designation to support the ongoing building improvements of Crossway Baptist Church. 

Other: occasionally other designations may be temporarily available for you to give to. For example, giving towards a ministry event or special church project.